2024 Budget

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The annual budget is a document which serves as the financial plan, operational guide and communication tool for Council, staff, and the public. It is a strategic planning document which provides for the allocation of resources to achieve the corporate and strategic goals and objectives by providing services and infrastructure.

This 2024 Budget survey's goal is to seek feedback on the Township’s current services being provided, identify where residents feel an increase/decrease to current services may be warranted, or identify any new services residents wish to see the Township provide.

The annual budget is a document which serves as the financial plan, operational guide and communication tool for Council, staff, and the public. It is a strategic planning document which provides for the allocation of resources to achieve the corporate and strategic goals and objectives by providing services and infrastructure.

This 2024 Budget survey's goal is to seek feedback on the Township’s current services being provided, identify where residents feel an increase/decrease to current services may be warranted, or identify any new services residents wish to see the Township provide.

  • Advancing Georgian Bluffs with the 2024 Draft Budget

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    Georgian Bluffs Council has reviewed the 2024 Draft Budget, with a continued commitment to advancing the Township as an affordable, connected community with a focus on infrastructure.

    This year’s budget process was enhanced to promote collaboration between Council, staff, and the community in setting budget priorities and improving transparency and engagement. A budget survey was released last August, followed by a special Council session in early December to review proposed projects and establish Council’s priorities.

    Significant investments in the 2024 Draft Budget include:

    • Continued work on the Pottawatomi Water System.
    • Multi-year replacement programs for Emery Bridge and Sideroad 3 Bridge.
    • Continuation of the road surface treatment program.
    • Initiation of the Corporate Climate Action Plan.
    • Upgrades to technology including laptop replacement, budget software, website improvements, and more.
    • Investment in community events.
    • Added staff resources to support major infrastructure projects.

    As per Council’s direction, the carefully considered 2024 Draft Budget has resulted in a 9.19% increase for the residential municipal tax rate over 2023. This equates to an increase of $14 per month for the average residential taxpayer, ensuring that the total tax-supported budget of $12.9 million is effectively funded to invest in community services and infrastructure improvements.

    The Public Input Session scheduled for February 7, 2024, is an integral part of the budget process, ensuring that everyone’s voices are reflected in the final budget. Following the session, and the County of Grey’s adoption of its 2024 Budget and Tax Policy, staff will present the 2024 Sums Required By-law and Tax Rates By-Law for Council approval.

    For more information on the 2024 Draft Budget and budget process, visit www.engagegb.ca/2024-budget.


  • Georgian Bluffs Draft Budget now Available for Feedback

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    The Township of Georgian Bluffs is calling on you to share your thoughts on the draft 2024 Budget.

    Join us at the Committee of the Whole meeting on February 7, 2024, at 5 p.m. for a special public input session. Your insights can help shape how we invest in community services and infrastructure. This meeting is an opportunity for you to share your thoughts and help guide our community's financial decisions.

    The draft 2024 Budget includes an investment of $13 million in tax dollars in community services and infrastructure. Major capital projects being proposed include multi-year funding for Emery and Sideroad 3 bridges, drainage in Balmy Beach, and road surface improvements, as well as a dog park in Shallow Lake, investment in the recently approved Climate Action Plan, and various technology upgrades. See the meeting Agenda for the full 2024 Draft Budget.

    If you’d like to take part in the public input session, please register in advance through the Clerk’s Department. All you need to do is fill out the online Delegation Request Form, or call the Clerk’s Office at 519-376-2729 ext. 603. The registration deadline is 3:00 p.m. on February 7, 2024.

    For more information on the Draft Budget and the Township’s budget process, visit www.engageGB.ca/2024-budget.

  • 2024 Budget Strategic Session

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    On December 4, 2023, Council held a special meeting as a strategic planning session where, along with staff, they reviewed all projects being proposed as part of the 2024 Budget, above and beyond day-to-day. This includes Capital projects, or one-time studies or programs, as well as any proposed service enhancements or additional staffing requests.

    There were 36 projects submitted, each with a detailed budget request for discussion. Council was able to review each project and prioritize them for inclusion in the 2024 Draft Budget.

    Direction Provided

    At this session, Council provided the following direction to staff for the Draft Budget:

    That staff be directed to include the following budget requests with the 2024 draft budget for consideration:

    Development and Infrastructure

    1. Pottawatomi Water System
    2. Replacement of Emery Bridge
    3. Replacement of Sideroad 3 Bridge
    4. Cold in Place Recycling - Single Surface Treatment
    5. Biennial OSIM Report
    6. Traffic Count Program
    7. Sidewalk Replacement
    8. Old Beach Drive Reconstruction
    9. Balmy Beach Drainage

    Community and Environmental Services

    1. Portable Toilet Service Provider
    2. Regulatory and Warning Sign Retro Reflectivity Inspection and Inventory Update
    3. Private Road Maintenance
    4. Kubota Compact Tractor (V234)
    5. Purchase Replacement for M245 Chipper
    6. Shallow Lake Dog Park
    7. Facilities Master Plan
    8. Corporate Climate Action Plan Implementation – Non-staff-dependent

    Corporate Services

    1. Laptop Replacement
    2. Community Events
    3. Budget Software
    4. Website Rebuild
    5. Cemetery Software
    6. Council Chambers Technology and Upgrades
    7. Mount Pleasant Columbarium

    Office of the CAO

    1. The following Additional Staffing Requests:
      • Asset Management Coordinator
      • Summer Students
    2. Corporate Strategic Plan
    3. Shoreline Road Allowance
    4. Fire Services Master Plan; and

    That staff be directed to aim for a target budget increase of no more than 10%; and

    That staff be directed to utilize up to 3 million from reserves.


  • 2024 Budget Survey Results

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    The goal of the 2024 budget survey was to seek feedback on the Township’s current services being provided, identify where respondents feel increases/decreases to the current services may be warranted, or identify any new services residents wished to see the Township provide.

    Who we heard from

    The budget survey had 179 visitors with 84 residents participating in the 2024 Budget Survey and there were an estimated 100 residents in attendance at the Engage GB: Connect and Collaborate event, staff did not track the number of residents who specifically attending the Budget session. Majority (93%) of survey participates are full-time residents of the Township, with respondents identifying the Shallow Lake, Kemble, Big Bay, and Springmount areas as the option which best described where they live within the Township. 41% of survey participates fell within the 35-55 age range and the 55+ age range, the remaining 18% of survey participates fell within the 18-34 age range. Approximately 63% of survey participates have living in the Township for over 10 years with approximately 8% of participates having only lived in the Township for less than 2 years.

    Staff note that the engagement relied on voluntary engagement; the results of the engagement are not statistically relevant and may not reflect the demographics of the Township or wider area. A number of types of engagement were used, surveys, in person opportunities, availability for phone discussions and submissions of written thoughts. However, each of these forms will differ on its accessibility for different groups. As such, while staff hope that the engagement is comprehensive and helpful information, it does not necessarily reflect all views and perspectives of the communities in the Township, nor does the strength of views share necessarily reflect with equity all voices in the community.

    What we heard

    Comments below are reflective of both survey responses and the Engage GB: Connect and Collaborate event.

    • Infrastructure and Maintenance: This theme encompasses concerns about road conditions, snow removal, infrastructure maintenance, and safety. It is a top priority for many.
    • Recreation and Community Services: Respondents emphasized the significance of recreational facilities, parks, and community centers for residents of all age groups.
    • Economic Development: Economic growth and attracting businesses are identified as crucial for the community’s prosperity. This includes the need for incentives to encourage a variety of shops and businesses.
    • Environmental Concerns: Respondents express the importance of addressing climate change, environmental sustainability, stormwater management, and water and sewer services.
    • Safety and Public Services: Public safety services, such as fire and police, are essential for a safe and peaceful community.
    • Waste Management: Improved waste management, including recycling, compost collection, and proper garbage disposal facilities, is a concern for many.
    • Community Services and Facilities: Availability and quality of community services and facilities, including recreation programs, community centers, and indoor sports facilities, are of concern.
    • Public Engagement and Communication: Respondents value more public engagement, consultation, and transparent communication regarding township decisions and actions.
    • Internet Access and Infrastructure: There's a call for better high-speed internet access and more competition among ISPs to improve connectivity.
    • Collaboration with Owen Sound: Better collaboration between the Township and the City of Owen Sound is suggested to ensure affordable and quality services, job creation, and population growth.
    • Streamlining Non-Resident Fees: Respondents suggest eliminating non-resident fees and contributing directly to Owen Sound.
    • Staff Competency and Recruitment: Concerns are raised about staff competency, staff shortages, and the need for qualified personnel through recruitment and retention.


  • 2024 Base Budget

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    On November 15, 2023, staff presented the 2024 Base Budget to Committee of the Whole. The 2024 Base Budget reflects only the operating component, expenses related to providing the core services of the Township, and funds to be placed into reserves.

    The funding for an operating budget is typically provided through the tax levy, operating grants (such as Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund), user fees and investment income. The base budget provides for the status quo: a similar contribution to reserves as in past years, and a similar level of service as in past years. It does not factor in any new projects or areas or work, nor any additions or enhancements to services.


  • Your Say, Our Future: Georgian Bluffs Public Feedback Now Open for 2024 Budget

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    The Township of Georgian Bluffs is conducting a community engagement initiative for the upcoming 2024 Budget. The Township is seeking input to help shape the allocation of resources and funding priorities for the next fiscal year.

    The annual budget is a roadmap that guides the delivery of services, infrastructure, and programs that enrich the lives of our community members.
    In order to ensure that the 2024 Budget accurately reflects the needs and priorities of the community, we aim to:

    • Gather feedback on the Township’s current services and identify areas where adjustments may be needed.
    • Understand where residents believe an increase or decrease in services is warranted.
    • Uncover ideas for new services that could enhance the overall quality of life in the Township.

    "Your insights will play an important role in shaping the path ahead for Georgian Bluffs while prioritizing the needs and wants of our residents," says Samantha Buchanan, Treasurer. "In collaboration, we will craft a budget that resonates with the community, propelling Georgian Bluffs towards a future that truly reflects our values.”

    The 2024 Budget hub on Engage GB is your gateway to completing a short survey on the 2024 Budget, as well as finding news and updates on the budget process as it moves forward.

    Paper copies of the survey can be found at the Township Administration building, Shallow Lake Community Center, Derby Community Center and Kemble Community Center.

    For those who prefer face-to-face interaction, join us for “Engage GB: Connect and Collaborate”, an in-person public engagement session on August 24th from 3:00pm to 7:00pm at the Grey Roots Museum. This session offers an opportunity to join fellow community members in sharing ideas and perspectives on budget priorities, as well as other Township initiatives. Your contributions will support the decisions that guide our community's growth and prosperity.

Page last updated: 02 Feb 2024, 02:30 PM